Returning to the Lakes for our lesbian summer holiday

At WalkingWomen we offer walking adventures for women. Women join from all over the world to come together to be outdoors, walk, talk and have special time together in the company of other women. We have women wanting to find how to holiday again after loss, we have women who love walking but their husbands don’t, we have women who want space away from their routine life to have adventure and challenge, we have women wanting to get fit or fitter. We have women who are passionate about travel and getting to new places to explore and adventure – that is what we all have in common. The spirit of adventure!

We are here for women and we provide a space that is for women to be themselves. All our guides are women and wherever possible we partner with women-run businesses like ours. Sometimes we are asked if men can join our holidays. We refer them to the many other companies that are for mixed groups and sometimes we specifically recommend our overseas partners. There are so many travel companies to choose from –  we are standing firm in holding true to our roots which is ‘ by women for women’.

This holiday and several more of our holidays are lesbian holidays. WalkingWomen was originally founded by a lesbian who was one of the first people to start lesbian only holidays in the UK. We are committed to continuing what she started – it is part of our herstory. We have been asked why we have lesbian-only holidays. The words of our guests on this holiday confirm why we believe it is important to offer the chance to be together with other gay women.

Glaramara - Lesbian Holiday

Being with other lesbians where I don’t have to explain myself or cope with homophobia”

Being with other lesbians is priceless “

It was the best holiday ever for me. I felt like I was living inside the ideal dream “

My best highlight was being with lesbians. Stunning walks, friendly women and lots of laughs with experienced guides I trust “

Women arrive wanting to be in an environment where for once they are in the majority, no explanation is required and no judgement is made. They may label themselves differently, or perhaps not label themselves at all, but what is clear is that they are all living a lesbian life and sometimes feel the need to be with people that understand this with all its richness and sometimes its challenges. We have women from different countries where laws may be different, where language may be different , where tolerance may be different.  Women tell us how lovely it is to get away and escape for a while – to experience the great outdoors and be free to walk,connect and revive.

Only this week I had a conversation about a young lesbian woman who had tried to take her own life. Feeling alone and not understood many lesbians still feel isolated and too different to fit into this world. This should not happen and if we can provide positive role models and supportive places to lift women up then we will always continue to do so.

We are planning a series of walks to celebrate the lives of lesbians so do keep an eye on our website. Coming up in December is Lesbian Lights in Malaga and in April and August we will once again return to Glaramara.


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